5 Posh Ways to Personalize Your Baby’s Nursery

Personalize Your Baby's Nursery

I received a complimentary wooden monogram in exchange for promotion on this post and on social media. This post contains affiliate links. Please see our Legal page for more information.

Our sweet baby girl is set to make her arrival in less than 3ย months, which means nursery preparations are in full swing! My nesting instinct has kicked in a lot earlier with this baby than my first. That’s probably for the best, since I have a lot less time to work on the nursery this time around. Taking care of a 2-year-old takes up the majority of my time! Who would’ve thought? Since nestingย is on my mind, today I’m sharing 5 Posh Ways to Personalize your Baby’s Nursery. Read on to find out how we’re making Baby Girl’s nursery personalized just for her!

5 Posh Ways to Personalize Your Baby’s Nursery

When you’re expecting, you want everything to be perfect for your little bundle of joy. Of course, thatย includes Baby’s nursery. Here are 5 ways to personalize your baby’s nursery to make your little one’s space perfectly unique!

1] Custom Wooden Monogram for Nursery

Personalize Your Baby's Nursery

Nothing says personalized like your very own monogram. It’s the perfect way to personalize your baby’s nursery! Personally, I’ve always loved the look of a monogram above a baby’s crib. I remember pinning “monogram above crib” photos on Pinterest before we were even expecting. Don’t tell my husband that, thanks.

During my first pregnancy, weย installedย a vinyl monogram above our son’s crib. However, the decals left a nasty residue on the walls once removed. Because of that, I knew I wanted to do a wooden monogram for this baby. Another advantage of wooden monograms is that they can easily be moved. On the other hand, we lost my son’s vinyl monogram once we moved him into his big boy room.

Personalize Your Baby's Nursery

My search for wooden monograms brought me to 48 Hour Monogram, and I immediately fell in love with their styles!ย I knew one of their monograms would look perfect over our little girl’s crib. The owner, Ashley, was super easy to work with and sent me several proofs to choose from. I selected the 3-letter vine monogram, as I thought the script font would be perfect for a baby girl nursery. They also offer several stylesย that would work well for a gender-neutral or baby boy nursery, as well as single-letter and full name options.

I also loved that they ship the monograms out in 48 hours (hence the company name!) and the prices are really, really affordable.ย The 24-inch monogram is their most popular size, so I chose that one. In my opinion, this size is perfect for above a crib: not so large to take up the whole room, but not so small that it gets lost.

Ourย over-the-crib monogram is painted white to match our monochrome nursery color scheme. I figure that white will continue to coordinate in her room as she grows and her style changes, too (although we could always repaint the wood if she wants!).

Personalize Your Baby's Nursery

I hung the monogram using a combination of a decorative hook, 2″ satin ribbon, and Command picture hanging strips. I’m not sure if it was necessaryย to use both the hook and the Command strips, but I want to be extra safe since the monogram is hanging over a crib.

Personalize Your Baby's Nursery

Now that our baby girl’s monogram is in place, I can’t stop staring at it! I peek into her room to see it every time I pass by.

Oh, and here’s a dirty little secret… we actually don’t know Baby’s middle name yet. We know her first name, but can’t pin down a middle. Hubby and I mainly agree on “K” middle names, so I ordered her monogram with a K and figured it will force us to narrow down the list by eliminating the non-K names. This is so different from our first pregnancy, when we had the name selected by the time I was like, 6 weeks pregnant. Sorry, second child.

2] Non-Traditional Nursery Color Scheme

If you want your baby’s nursery to stand out, try selecting a non-traditional nursery color scheme. There’s nothing wrong with baby blue or pink (we did baby blue for our son’s nursery!), but why not explore some other options?

Baby Girl’s nursery color scheme is black, white, and gold. I love decorating with this color scheme because of the modern feel, plus it’s incredibly easy to find decor in those colors. I’m hopeful that many of her nursery decor items will be able to easily transition to a big girl room when the time comes. Which, by the way, will be way too soon. I still can’t believe my son is in his big boy room already! (Insert ugly cry here.)

Besides monochrome + metallic, some of my other favorite nursery color schemes are navy + coral, teal + grey, and black + blush. Pairing a more traditional nursery color, like light blue or pink, with a dark neutral is an easy way to make the overall feel more modern.

3] Unique Nursery Theme

Nursery themes are tricky.ย It’s a fine line between having a little something to tie the room together vs. looking like you bought a “room in a box” set.

I’ve nicknamed our little girl “Queen B,” as her name begins with B. Playing off that nickname, her nursery theme is crowns. I used a crown hook to hang her monogram, made her a crown mobile, and painted a simple watercolor crown for wall art. It’s enough to notice a theme, but not so much as to be overwhelming.

My son’s nursery theme was stars and constellations. He had stars on his sheets and artwork of constellations on the walls. It was a fun theme for a baby boy nursery and more unique than the traditional sports or cartoon-y themes.

4] DIY Nursery Projects

Personalize Your Baby's Nursery

You can’t get any more personalized than a project handmade by mom and dad (or big brother, grandma, etc.). I’ve had a lot of fun making some DIY projects for our baby girl’s nursery, especially with my little man’s help. One of my favorite projects to date is her crown mobile. I’ll be posting a tutorial on how we made it soon! It was quite easy but has a lot of impact in the room. You can see it hanging above her crib in this photo. Now we just need to add some bedding! One thing at a time, right?

We’ve also made a floral letter, painted a watercolor painting, and I’m working on a photo frame. I hope she will treasure these handmade items that her big brother and I worked on while waiting for her to arrive!

5] Family Heirlooms in the Nursery

Using family heirlooms as decor is a great way to personalize your baby’s nursery.ย Heirlooms can be passed on from mom and dad, grandparents, or even an older sibling. For example, my husband has an adorable wooden rocking chair that his own grandpa hand-carved as a gift for my husband’s 2nd birthday. It sat in our son’s nursery and now he loves sitting in it to play or watch his shows. Using family photos as decor is another great way to incorporate an heirloom into the nursery.

Personalize Your Baby's Nursery

Pin these 5 Posh Ways to Personalize Your Baby’s Nursery for later!

What is your favorite way to add a personal touch to your kids’ rooms?ย I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments!

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  1. Great Ideas. My 1st one never had a nursery and my 2nd had a common set from a baby dept store. If I could go back I would def try some of these ideas! We call my daughter Queen B too…. Her name is Brooklyn and she is the Sass Queen

    1. That’s so fun that you have a Queen B too! I love the name Brooklyn!

  2. I love the idea of heirlooms in the nursery. We had the same chair from my nursery as a baby in my daughter’s nursery. I love that there is a story behind it.

    1. That is so sweet, Vicki! I love having heirlooms in the nursery as well. It helps make the space so special for Baby!

  3. Love the monogram over the crib! Very cute!

    1. Thank you so much, Liz! I love it too!

  4. My son is over a year old and we just moved into a place where he can have a bigger room. I want to make his room super personalized. Great tips!

    1. Congrats on the move, Krysten! I hope you have fun decorating your son’s new room!

    1. Thank you so much! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you, Annie! I really love it too. I keep walking by her room to admire it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. I definitely like using a non-traditional nursery color scheme! Hopefully some of the decor will grow with her as she gets older.

  5. Great ideas! I love the color scheme you have chosen, really different and classy.

    1. Thank you so much, Gemma! I’m excited to see how everything comes together.

  6. How lovely!! If I ever do it again, I will for sure do this. It looks so elegant and classic.

    1. That’s so sweet, Ashley! Thank you very much for the kind words.

  7. Great ideas! I loved decorating my little girls nursery with simple but chic decor!

    1. Thank you, Leah! Sounds like we have a very similar decorating style!

  8. I love the wooden monogram! I keep saying I’m going to write my little man’s name above his crib… I’ll get there someday!

    1. Thank you, Kristin! I keep wanting to do something above my son’s big boy bed but haven’t found the right piece or project yet. So I know the feeling!

    1. That’s awesome, Tayler! I think family heirlooms are a great way to personalize a nursery!

  9. We have a few family heirlooms in the room. Love the monogram you had made…and I like the way you hung it.

    1. Thank you, Ant! I appreciate it!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! That’s the look I was going for. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. I love that style. What a gorgeous nursery. It’s lovely to personalise things:) Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

    1. Thank you, Lisa! I love personalizing a room for my little ones!

  11. So many great ideas! I love the monogram and adding family heirlooms. Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday!

    1. Thanks so much, Jennie! The monogram is definitely one of my favorite parts, too!

    1. Thank you so much, Mel! I appreciate it!

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