5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax

5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax! Is mom stress getting you down? Feeling burnt out by motherhood? Fight the mommy burn out with these 5 proven ways for mothers to relieve stress and relax.

I used to think being a lawyer was stressful… then I became a mom. Being a mom brings on entirely new levels of stress, whether it’s worrying about your kids [constantly] or wondering if you’ll ever get 5 minutes to yourself before they turn 18. During the past few years, I’ve come up with some great ways to relieve the mom burnout. Read on for my top 5 ways for busy moms to relax…

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Enjoy Some Alone Time

The number one way that I fight the mommy burnout is getting some time to myself. It’s a wonder what aΒ  little alone time can do for your mind and body. Whether you choose to be productive, watch TV, or even take a nap [my personal favorite], it’s great to be able to re-charge with silence.Β I’m an only child, and somewhat introverted as well, so spending time to myself is key to my sanity.

Sip a Tasty Beverage

5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax! Is mom stress getting you down? Feeling burnt out by motherhood? Fight the mommy burn out with these 5 proven ways for mothers to relieve stress and relax.

Lately, my relaxing beverage of choice is Total Tea’s organic chamomile tea. A nice warm cup of tea soothes and calms my body. Because I am breastfeeding Blair [6 months strong so far!], I limit my caffeine intake and try to make healthy, organic choices for my body… and, consequently, her’s. Chamomile tea is naturally caffeine-free, plus it only has a few calories per cup, making it a great option for those of us on a weight loss journey.

5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax! Is mom stress getting you down? Feeling burnt out by motherhood? Fight the mommy burn out with these 5 proven ways for mothers to relieve stress and relax.

Speaking of weight loss, Total Tea also makes an awesome gentle detox tea as well. I already have it in my pantry and am looking forward to trying it after I am finished breastfeeding. I’m still holding onto about 10 pounds that I’d like to shed, and I’m hoping the combination of weaning + detox will do it for me when the time is right. I nursed Colton for 20 months, so I still have a ways to go with Blair.

5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax! Is mom stress getting you down? Feeling burnt out by motherhood? Fight the mommy burn out with these 5 proven ways for mothers to relieve stress and relax.

5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax! Is mom stress getting you down? Feeling burnt out by motherhood? Fight the mommy burn out with these 5 proven ways for mothers to relieve stress and relax.

Here’s a weird fact for ya: neither my husband or I drink coffee. We both hate the taste. Seriously, if I go to Starbucks, I get a hot chocolate. We both used to have a bad soda habit, though. Sometimes caffeine is a necessity, especially for new parents! He’s been replacing his daily soda with tea, and I’m really proud of him for making the healthy switch. Total Tea’s organic black tea and white tea are great caffeinated options for a low-calorie pick-me-up.

5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax! Is mom stress getting you down? Feeling burnt out by motherhood? Fight the mommy burn out with these 5 proven ways for mothers to relieve stress and relax.

5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax! Is mom stress getting you down? Feeling burnt out by motherhood? Fight the mommy burn out with these 5 proven ways for mothers to relieve stress and relax.

Another benefit of drinking tea is that it gives me an excuse to use our wedding china. I’ve read that a lot of couples don’t register for china anymore, but I love the elegance it brings to our table… even if it’s just a couple times per year. Our pattern is Mikasa Crown Jewel Platinum, a simple white with an elegant platinum band. It’s been 9 years since we picked it out, and I still love it! [place setting // saucer // platter]

5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax! Is mom stress getting you down? Feeling burnt out by motherhood? Fight the mommy burn out with these 5 proven ways for mothers to relieve stress and relax.

Now that you’ve heard my Total Tea review, you can view Total Tea’s entire line here to select the best fit for you!

Get Outside

Fresh air is a great way to re-energize and de-stress your body. This is why getting outside is third on my list of 5 ways for busy moms to relax. I can become quite the homebody during the winter, but I feel so much better once I venture outside of the house. Even if it’s chilly, get the kiddos bundled up and get outside for a quick walk or even just to play in the yard for a few minutes. Sunshine makes such a difference in my mood and my children’s. Bonus: your kids may even tire themselves out and take a nap after you get inside!

Connect with a Friend

For me, the hardest part of being a stay-at-home mom is the lack of adult interaction. The Internet helps so much with this, and I’m lucky to have connected with several supportive women via social media and blogging. I love expanding my circle, so feel free to connect with me on Instagram, leave a blog comment, or shoot me an e-mail to chat anytime. I try my best to always reply!

Of course, nothing replaces good ol’ face-to-face interaction. Text a friend and schedule a time to meet up, with or without kiddos. For me, even having something on my calendar to look forward to helps alleviate some of the stress of the day-to-day grind.

Take a Warm Bath

5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax! Is mom stress getting you down? Feeling burnt out by motherhood? Fight the mommy burn out with these 5 proven ways for mothers to relieve stress and relax.

This one is simple, but effective. I always feel better after a long bath or shower. It’s easy to do after the kids are in bed and doesn’t require any money, scheduling, or equipment. Just turn on the water and be one with your thoughts. Does that sound too cheesy? I’m leaving it either way.

5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax! Is mom stress getting you down? Feeling burnt out by motherhood? Fight the mommy burn out with these 5 proven ways for mothers to relieve stress and relax.

Pin these 5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax for later! Don’t forget to share with a friend who might need a pick-me-up today.

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