I’m Not a Super Mom and I Don’t Care

I'm Not a Super Mom... and I Don't Care: I'm not a Pinterest mom, as much as I try to be. I feel like I come up short as a mom, wife, and everything else, basically all the time. But at the end of the day, my kids are loved and that's all that matters. A mom's reflections on why it's OK to not be a super mom.

A few days/weeks/months ago [who knows, because I’m terrible at keeping track of time], I published a post called Day in the Life of a Stay-at-Home Mom of 2. Since then, it’s been my most-viewed post. It’s made the rounds on social media, and I’ve received feedback–publicly and privately–basically saying that I don’t measure up as a mom. That I don’t clean enough. I don’t cook enough. I don’t whatever enough. Well, I’m not a super mom… and I don’t care.

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Let’s start here: being a mom is HARD WORK. Like, really, really hard.

I'm Not a Super Mom... and I Don't Care: I'm not a Pinterest mom, as much as I try to be. I feel like I come up short as a mom, wife, and everything else, basically all the time. But at the end of the day, my kids are loved and that's all that matters. A mom's reflections on why it's OK to not be a super mom.

Before I had kids, I was a litigator. That means I was paid to argue with people. It has to be one of the most stressful jobs out there.

Being a mom is harder. More stressful.

I couldn’t handle being an attorney and being a mom. And that’s the truth.

I didn’t even try.

Lots of moms do it. Certainly, there are moms who balance high-powered careers with raising well-behaved children. But not me.

I'm Not a Super Mom... and I Don't Care: I'm not a Pinterest mom, as much as I try to be. I feel like I come up short as a mom, wife, and everything else, basically all the time. But at the end of the day, my kids are loved and that's all that matters. A mom's reflections on why it's OK to not be a super mom.

Let’s be honest, I’m hardly a model stay-at-home mom, either.

I’m a terrible cook. Once, I posted a recipe on my blog, then later pulled up my own post to re-make the recipe. After following my own instructions, I realized I left out like 3 steps. I kept meaning to edit that recipe, but I have mom brain and constantly forgot. I think I eventually just deleted the post. I THINK.

I'm Not a Super Mom... and I Don't Care: I'm not a Pinterest mom, as much as I try to be. I feel like I come up short as a mom, wife, and everything else, basically all the time. But at the end of the day, my kids are loved and that's all that matters. A mom's reflections on why it's OK to not be a super mom.

[Photo taken during some of our many meals out when I was too lazy and/or untalented to cook.]

I use screen time, and well before the recommended 2 years old or whatever “they” say now.

I’m a firm believer in “me time.” If my son watches a Netflix show while my daughter naps, it gives me time to put on my makeup, blog, or just sit down and do nothing. He’s happy and I’m happy.

But we’re not always happy. Sometimes my kids cry at me and sometimes I cry at them. Being 3 is hard. Being 30 might be even harder.

And as for cleaning, well, I manage to keep the house tidy. Usually. But some days not, because we spend a lot of time outside of the house, or I’m busy with other things besides cleaning, or I justΒ  don’t feel like picking up the same damn toys for the hundredth time this week.

I’m not a super mom, and I don’t feel bad asking for help when I need it. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of friends and family who are willing to come over and clean my house on-demand.

But Lula is.

And if you’re wondering who Lula is and how you can get to be friends with her too… Lula is an app that allows you to schedule home services–like cleaning–either for a specified time or on-demand. Right now, Lula is available in Kansas City [and surrounding suburbs], and they’ll be heading to Phoenix and Dallas as well.

I'm Not a Super Mom... and I Don't Care: I'm not a Pinterest mom, as much as I try to be. I feel like I come up short as a mom, wife, and everything else, basically all the time. But at the end of the day, my kids are loved and that's all that matters. A mom's reflections on why it's OK to not be a super mom.

A couple weeks ago, my house was looking… not great. And I was feeling… not motivated. I downloaded Lula and requested a cleaning, a local provider claimed the job, and arrived right on time.

Afterwards, my house looked the best it’s looked since we moved in, 5 years ago. And, the app is super easy-to-use… almost too easy, because now I’m a little addicted to the idea of having someone else clean my house whenever I want. [By the way, they also offer lawn care and HVAC services!]

Certainly, I have some redeeming qualities. Gotta throw these in just in case my husband reads this post and starts wondering why he married me.

I love my kids and husband with all of my heart. I would literally die for them.

I'm Not a Super Mom... and I Don't Care: I'm not a Pinterest mom, as much as I try to be. I feel like I come up short as a mom, wife, and everything else, basically all the time. But at the end of the day, my kids are loved and that's all that matters. A mom's reflections on why it's OK to not be a super mom.

OK, actually, that pretty much sums it up. I forget when it’s preschool picture day and I’m late everywhere I go. I’m not afraid to ask for help with my house or my kids or whatever else. I make a trip to a drive-thru more often than I make a well-balanced, nutritious meal.

But I love my family so much that I would do anything in the world for them.

I’m not a super-mom and I don’t care.

I'm Not a Super Mom... and I Don't Care: I'm not a Pinterest mom, as much as I try to be. I feel like I come up short as a mom, wife, and everything else, basically all the time. But at the end of the day, my kids are loved and that's all that matters. A mom's reflections on why it's OK to not be a super mom.

Do you feel the same? Pin I’m Not a Super Mom and I Don’t Care for later.

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  1. No one is a SuperMom! That’s a myth. It simply does not exist. We all struggle at times with simply being human, let alone raising babies to become productive adults. Your house always looks spotless on your posts and your children are beautiful and obviously well cared for and loved. Anyone who posts or comments about another Mother’s abilities or lack thereof, is cyberbullying, and it should be treated as such. By that I mean ignored and deleted. Moms should always support each other and if there are times when a fellow Mom needs help, instead of pointing out what they perceive to be inadequacies, they should send words of encouragement and helpful advice. I can only imagine how unhappy, jealous and negative a person must be to put down any other woman, Mom or not. By the way, that post covered one day out of thousands. Obviously not everyday is identical. For what it’s worth, you have my full support and admiration.

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