Looking to spice up your tea right now? Tea has lots of health benefits, so I try to drink a cup whenever I can. But, sometimes drinking plain tea can be a bit… well, plain. So, today I’m sharing 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Tea !
The health benefits of tea are undeniable: it’s been touted for everything from encouraging weight loss to increasing mental alertness. I’m still pretty tired from only sleeping 2 hours last night, but I feel like those are positive things. So let’s add some tea to your life, shall we?
If you’re looking to spice up your tea, you’ve come to the right place.
First things first, you gotta start out with a quality tea. Personally, I recommend Total Tea Pure Organic Tea. It’s available in several flavors, including chamomile tea [my personal favorite!], black tea, white tea, green tea, and even peppermint tea.
[In fact, I wrote about my love for Total Tea in my most popular post to date, Day in the Life of a Stay-at-Home Mom of 2. I also mentioned them in Best Things About Having a Daughter and, of course, 5 Ways for Busy Moms to Relax.]
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Once you’ve selected your flavor of choice, it’s time to spice up your tea!
Tea with Citrus Fruit
I’ll start off with a health-conscious suggestion: add citrus fruit to your tea. Lemons, limes, and oranges all work great for this, depending on the flavor of tea you’re drinking.
Add fruit slices to your cup of tea, or get all fancy and squeeze out the juice into your cup.
[I highly recommend this hand juicer. One of my best Amazon purchases ever! You’ll also want a small strainer to ensure no pulp makes its way into your tea.]
Tea with Milk and Honey
Tea with milk and honey is a classic for a reason. It’s easy and tasty. To take this treat to the next level, use a high-quality honey like this one combined with fresh local milk. Yum!
Tea with Maple Syrup
Here’s another alternative to sweeten your tea: maple syrup. Not just for pancakes, maple syrup can add a great flavor to your tea. Try adding maple syrup to tea on its own, or even with milk.
The only problem I have with this suggestion is that maple syrup is hard to come by in my house. Seems like my son uses a full bottle every time we have pancakes. Gee, I wonder where he gets that from…
Tea with Whipped Cream
Oh man. Okay, now we’re getting serious. Stir some whipped cream into your tea and thank me later.
It’s the same idea as adding milk to your tea, but it’s whipped cream. So like, way better.
Tea with Chocolate
I told you this was getting good. People drink chocolate-flavored coffee drinks all the time [cafe mocha, anyone?], so why not tea? Try stirring in some cocoa powder to your tea, or even some chocolate syrup if that’s all you have on hand. [Here’s the best cocoa powderΒ ever.]
Combine this with the whipped cream and… yeah, it’s basically a tea dessert. How amazing would this combination taste with peppermint tea?
There you have it, 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Tea! Which is your favorite? Let me know in the comments!