Gift Ideas for Kids Who Swim – Gifts for Swimmers

Gifts for Swimmers Gift for Kids Who Swim

Do you have a little fish in your life? Both of my kids love the water and always look forward to their weekly swim lessons at Aqua-Tots Swim Schools. This year, I wanted to think of some gift ideas for swimmers so I can get them some fun gifts for the water! If you also have a child who swims, keep reading to see this year’s best gifts for kids who swim!

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DIY Among Us Shirt – How to Make Among Us Merch

DIY Among Us Shirt - How to Make Among Us Merch - Make your own Among Us shirt with these simple DIY instructions! #amongus #amongusmerch #cricut

If you have kids, chances are you’ve heard of Among Us. It’s a mobile game that’s really exploded in popularity. Colton and I like to play it together! For his birthday, I wanted to make him a special Among Us shirt to wear to school. So I thought I’d share the instructions on how to make Among Us merch if you want to make your own DIY Among Us shirt!

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Play-Doh Party Favors // Non-Candy Party Favors

Play-Doh Party Favors - Non-Candy Party Favors - Classroom Party Favors - Play-Doh Labels - Beginner Cricut projects: These Play-Doh party favor labels are fun and easy to make! Free printable included plus Cricut Design Space file to help with cutting! #cricut #playdoh #party

I’m really excited to share this post with you! I’ve been having so much fun creating projects with my new Cricut Maker over the past couple weeks, and this is one of my favorites. But, you don’t have to have a Cricut to make these Play-Doh Party Favors (although it will make the task much, much easier if you do!). I’ve included instructions below so both Cricut users and those who don’t have a Cricut can make these non-candy party favors for kids. Read on for the details!

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Easy Gifts for Everyone on Your List

Easy Gifts for Everyone on Your List! These holiday gift packs are a great gift idea for anyone on your list. Choose a different one for each member of your family! #giftideas #giftsforher #giftsforhim

I’m trying to get my holiday shopping done early this year, and I know from Instagram that a lot of you are too. So, today I’m going to share some easy gifts for everyone on your list! I found these cute little gift sets at Walmart and couldn’t wait to show you.

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Play-Doh Gift Sets – Play-Doh Large Tools Storage Activity Set

Play-Doh Gift Sets - Play-Doh Large Tools and Storage Activity Set - Play-Doh Sets at Walmart - Christmas Gifts for Kids 2020 #playdoh #walmart #giftideas

The holiday season countdown is on! Our decor is up, snow is on the ground, and the kids have made their wish lists. And, I’ve already been doing my holiday shopping! Blair had lots of Play-Doh gift sets on her wish list, so I decided to surprise her with a couple of them as an early gift!

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