Easy Gifts for Everyone on Your List

Easy Gifts for Everyone on Your List! These holiday gift packs are a great gift idea for anyone on your list. Choose a different one for each member of your family! #giftideas #giftsforher #giftsforhim

I’m trying to get my holiday shopping done early this year, and I know from Instagram that a lot of you are too. So, today I’m going to share some easy gifts for everyone on your list! I found these cute little gift sets at Walmart and couldn’t wait to show you.

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Play-Doh Gift Sets – Play-Doh Large Tools Storage Activity Set

Play-Doh Gift Sets - Play-Doh Large Tools and Storage Activity Set - Play-Doh Sets at Walmart - Christmas Gifts for Kids 2020 #playdoh #walmart #giftideas

The holiday season countdown is on! Our decor is up, snow is on the ground, and the kids have made their wish lists. And, I’ve already been doing my holiday shopping! Blair had lots of Play-Doh gift sets on her wish list, so I decided to surprise her with a couple of them as an early gift!

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Crate & Barrel Christmas Decorations – Holiday Decor

Crate & Barrel Christmas Decorations - Crate & Barrel Holiday Decor 2020 - Modern Christmas Decor Ideas - Black Christmas Tree - Crate & Barrel Christmas 2020 #crateandbarrel #christmasdecor #modernchristmas

I love Crate & Barrel any time of year, but especially during the holiday season. Their decor is always spot on for my modern, minimalist style. I ordered a few things for holiday decor, so I thought I’d show you my picks for Crate & Barrel Christmas Decorations this year!

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Fun Farm Pumpkin Patch Kearney MO Reviews

Fun Farm Pumpkin Patch Kearney MO Reviews - Fun Farm Kearney Missouri - Fun Farm Reviews Kearney - Pumpkin Patch Kansas City - Best Pumpkin Patch in Kansas City - Missouri Pumpkin Patches - A detailed review of Fun Farm Pumpkin Patch in Kearney, MO with lots of photos! #kearney #funfarm #pumpkinpatch #pumpkinpatches #kansascity

Is it even fall if you don’t visit a pumpkin patch? And are you even a blogger if you don’t post the pictures online? I’m actually the worst at remembering to post pictures, so don’t answer that last question. You wouldn’t believe how many fully edited pictures and posts I have in drafts that I just never remember to push post on, then it gets to be way after the date and I feel weird posting months later, so I just don’t. But anyway, let’s not let that happen to these pictures! Read on for my Fun Farm Pumpkin Patch Kearney MO Reviews!

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Dance Class Halloween Treats – Halloween Dance Class

Dance Class Halloween Treats - Halloween Treats for Dance Class - Dancers Halloween Candy - Lollipop Ghost Ballerinas - Ballerina Lollipops - Candy for Dance Class - Dance Class Treats #dance #ballet #ballerina #halloween

You know I’m a bit extra about the treats I bring for my kids’ activities, so it’s no surprise I came up with these little ballerina ghosts for Blair’s Halloween dance class. Her studio has a fun little tradition of having the dancers wear their costumes and pass out candy during Halloween week. I’m so happy with how these dance class Halloween treats turned out, plus they were really easy to make. Keep reading for the how-to!

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