We celebrated Blair’s third birthday with a Breakfast at Tiffanys Party! I’m so excited to share all of the party details with you. We started with a Breakfast at Tiffanys Photoshoot for her invitations, so make sure to check out that post first if you missed it. Now, on to the party!
Target Deal Days – Target Home Decor Sale
Target Deal Days is LIVE NOW! This is one of the best Target home decor sale opportunities throughout the year! I’ve put together the best home decor finds from Target Deal Days in this post, so keep reading to find the best deals.
Gallery Wall with Samsung The Frame TV
This morning, I cleaned our house in anticipation of getting ready for the holidays. Because the holiday season gets so busy, I always try to do a good cleaning before the holiday decor goes up. And yes, I usually put our holiday decor up around the middle of October! After cleaning up the living room, I had to snap a few photos because I’m so proud of how it looks! Our gallery wall with Samsung The Frame TV is my favorite area of the entire house. Keep reading to see how it all came together…
Family Weekend Getaway in Mississippi – Biloxi Beach
Warning: LONG post ahead with LOTS of pictures! Grab a cup of coffee to settle in for this one. A couple months ago, we decided to do a family weekend getaway in Mississippi to visit Biloxi Beach. My kids saw the ocean for the first time! And I took a zillion pics. I finally narrowed them down (kinda) so let’s get started…
Benefits of Swimming for Kids 2020 – Aqua-Tots Olathe Swim Lessons
Even as the weather cools down in Kansas City, my kids look forward to their swim lessons each week. I’ve shared before why we swim year round, and today I’m going to share some of the benefits of swimming for kids in 2020! Because, as we all know, this is a year unlike any other…