Sharing some more of Blair and I’s Tennessee girls trip today! We had the pleasure of visiting Dyersburg, TN to celebrate the Gordman’s Grand Opening a couple weeks ago. We had a great stay at the Sleep Inn Dyersburg TN, so, today I wanted to share our Sleep Inn Dyersburg TN Review for anyone looking for Dyersburg hotels!
Hu Hotel Memphis Reviews – Best Hotels in Memphis
I spent most of the weekend editing photos from Blair and I’s Tennessee trip. We made so many fun memories and I’m so glad we got to take our girls trip! After hanging out at the Grand Opening event, we drove a couple hours south to spend a day in Memphis. Our hotel was AMAZING, so I want to share our Hu Hotel Memphis reviews for those of you looking for the best hotels in Memphis!
Gordmans Grand Opening Tour – Gordmans Dyersburg TN
Last week, Blair and I traveled to Dyersburg, TN to celebrate the Gordmans Grand Opening Tour! Dyersburg is about 8 hours away from our home in Kansas City. It was Blair’s first road trip, and she did amazing! I’ll do another post on some toddler road trip tips, but first I want to show you some of the goodies we found at Gordmans!
Apple Picking Kansas City – Cider Hill Family Orchard
We went apple picking last weekend! Both the kids are at an age where they can enjoy it, so I wanted to be sure we didn’t miss the u-pick season at Cider Hill Family Orchard, our favorite place for apple picking in Kansas City. If you’re looking for apple picking Kansas City, read on!
2-Year-Old Daily Schedule – 2 Year Old Schedule
Now that back to school season is upon us, my family is starting to get back into a routine. I love the slower pace of summer, but I always look forward to getting back into a groove in the fall. Today I’m sharing what Blair’s schedule looks like most days. Here’s her 2-year-old daily schedule!