I’ve lived in Kansas City my entire life, so I love exploring all the attractions our city has to offer. One of my family’s favorite spots to hang out is the Museum at Prairiefire in Overland Park, Kansas. I’ve taken tons of photos there recently and want to share my Museum at Prairiefire Review with you, along with some tips to make the most of your MAP visit!
Memorial Day Weekend Recap 2018
This year, Memorial Day weekend was a blur! It’s funny how having 2 kids can keep you so busy. Ha! That’s one reason I love having this blog: so I can write down memories before my mom brain forgets everything. Without further ado, here’s our Memorial Day weekend recap 2018!
Protect Car from Kids [How to Keep a New Car Nice With Kids]
If you follow me on IG [or if you follow me around in real life… yikes], you know I recently bought a new car. We actually drove all the way to Dallas to buy it, but that’s a story for another post. I have 2 little kids, so keeping anything nice is a challenge. Here are the strategies I’m using to protect car from kids…
Mourning the Loss of a Chemical Pregnancy
This post is hard–really hard–for me to write. I try to keep things upbeat around here, but the fact is that’s not always how life goes. Because right now, I have tears in my eyes and my fingers can’t keep up with how fast my brain is going. This is what it feels like for the mom mourning a loss of a chemical pregnancy.
Baby Girl Summer Wardrobe [Capsule Wardrobe for Baby]
This post is sponsored by Carter’s; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Getting two kids plus myself ready in the morning is… well, let’s just say not easy. Over the years, I’ve started building somewhat of capsule wardrobes for my kids. I don’t follow the capsule wardrobe “science” exactly, because lazy. But I have a great mom hack to share with you on how to build an easy capsule wardrobe for Baby and get your little ones ready for the day more quickly!