Half Baked Baby Pictures – 20 Weeks Pregnant Photos

Half Baked Baby Pictures 20 Weeks Pregnant Photos 8

I’m excited to share these half baked baby pictures with you today! In the interest of full disclosure, baby #3 is quite a bit more than half baked. In fact, she’s due in less than a month! But, I’ve been so exhausted lately that I haven’t spent much time blogging. So, at least I am sharing these before she’s born, right?

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Third Baby Announcement – Pregnancy Announcement for Third Baby

Third Baby Announcement - Pregnancy Announcement for Third Baby

Sharing some of my favorite photos today: our third baby announcement! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve already seen our pregnancy announcement for third baby. But I felt like these deserved a permanent place on the blog, too.

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Breastfeeding After C-Section Success Stories – Reflections on Nursing

Breastfeeding After C-Section Success Stories - One breastfeeding mom shares her success story breastfeeding after a c-section. Breastfeeding after an emergency c-section is great for mom and baby, but getting started can be rough. Here's how we worked hard to have a breastfeeding after c-section success story despite unsupportive providers and family members. #Breastfeeding #BreastIsBest #Breastfed

When I was pregnant with my first, I knew I wanted to breastfeed and hoped to do it for a year or so. Fairly simple.

Spoiler Alert: It turned into much, much more than that. There are lots of Breastfeeding After C-Section Success Stories, and here’s mine.

Following a traumatic birth experience, I fought hard to breastfeed my little man. I fought off a pushy pediatrician who wanted me to supplement with formula beginning only the second day after my unwanted c-section. Instead, I kept Baby at the breast and my milk came in full force the next day.

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